Contact Us
We're here.
open every day from 10am until Midnight
(with email forms)
Hourly Rehearsals
Monthly Lockout Studios
Gear Rentals
Gear Repairs
Guitar Set-ups
Events, Partnerships, Press, Other
We are CLOSED FOREVER. Thank you For 13 years.
Ext. 1: Rehearsals+General Info
Ext. 2: Rentals (Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are currently not renting equipment. We hope bring this service back in the future.)
Ext. 3: Electronic Repair
Ext. 4: Recording
Ext. 6: Instrument Repair
Ext. 7: Retail
Ext. 8: Lockout+Building Info
Bedrock.LA was located at 1623 Allesandro Street, Los Angeles, CA 90026 where Allesandro meets Glendale Blvd.
We were open every day except July 4th, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day and we close early on Halloween and New Year's Eve.