We are closed for forever. Thank you for 13 years.

We were located at 1623 Allesandro St., Los Angeles, CA 90026

1623 Allesandro St
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Los Angeles

(213) 673-1473

Bedrock.LA is Echo Park’s massive music mecca founded in 2009 by three musicians who believed there was a better way to provide creative space, the East(side) LA landmark has arisen with a giant mural visible from space. Featuring 40,000 square feet sound sanctuary with over 100 rooms of air conditioned facilities, we serve the working local and touring musicians offering a one-stop shop for all things music. Rehearse - Record - Rent - Relax.


Rental Services

BedrockLA is your one-stop-shop for music equipment rentals. Whether it's a PA for a festival or just a wah pedal, we have you covered. We specialize in complete back lines, live sound, mics, staging, event planning, and technicians. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are currently not renting equipment. We hope bring this service back in the future.


We have an entire department dedicated to supplying people with what they need to record, perform or run a production of any size. From renting a single combo amp to equipping your event, we pride ourselves in being a one-stop shop. In addition to our backline rentals, we provide delivery and pickup, live sound engineers, stage managers, staging, lighting and power–all on one invoice. Bedrock.LA Rentals wants to make your show a success.

Need a quote? Call 213-673-1473 ext. 2 or (better) contact us here.

Our normal phone hours are 11am-7pm Monday through Friday. However, if you are an existing rental customer with an emergency, you can also reach us at extension 1 every day from 10am until midnight.


Bedrock's storage facility houses ample equipment. In addition to our warehouse location we have partnerships with several other studios in the Los Angeles area. The bottom line is, we can get almost anything you need.